Disposal of Pesticides
As an applicator you have two disposal problems. First you must safely
dispose of surplus pesticides concentrated or tank mixed that you have no use
for or cannot store. Secondly, you must safely dispose of empty pesticide
containers. Careless disposal practices are a common cause of pesticide misuse
and environmental contamination. Take the time to dispose of surplus pesticides
and empty containers carefully and legally. Never give empty containers away for
any purpose.
Licensed Disposal Facility
Goals of This Chapter
- Learn the importance of preventing pesticide surplus.
- Know what to do in case you have a pesticide surplus.
- Understand and learn the steps taken to properly dispose of pesticide
- Learn proper procedure for triple-rinsing containers and equipment.
Surplus Pesticides
There are several ways in which you can end up with surplus pesticides. The
government or the pesticide manufacturer may cancel the registration on the
pesticide, or the use may no longer be effective. You may buy more pesticide
than you really need or you may have some left in the tank after the job is
done. You may have contaminated water left over from cleaning operations,
spills, or rinsing. The pesticide may have lost its strength in storage, the
container may be damaged, or the label may be missing
Preventing Pesticide Surplus. Although you cannot always avoid having
surplus pesticides, there are ways to cut down on pesticide surplus. Always
check to make sure that the pesticide is registered by the EPA and your state.
Make sure the pesticide is labeled for the pest before you buy it.
Recommendations may change and newer chemicals may be better than older ones.
The storage period may also exceed the effective shelf life of the product.
Estimate your needs and buy only what you need. Do not stockpile materials. This
will reduce carryover and the chance of spills, damaged containers, and loss of
strength of the pesticide. Always check out the job before you mix the pesticide
in the tank. This way you are not faced with the disposal of a tankload of the
wrong pesticide for the pest problem. Mix only enough pesticide for the job at
hand so that you finish with an empty tank or hopper. Preventing surplus is the
best way to take care of your pesticide disposal problem.
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What to Do with Surplus Pesticides. If you have pesticides that you
cannot use or do not want, you must take steps to safely and legally dispose of
them. Pesticides which are still factory-sealed may be re -turned to the
manufacturer. Check with the company and see if they will take your surplus
back. You may be able to apply the excess pesticide mixture to another site
where a pest problem exists and that can be treated with the same pesticide. If
possible use the rinsewater from your spray tank in a future spray mix of the
same pesticide. Be careful with herbicide-contaminated rinsewater on sensitive
plants. Caution must also be exercised with reusing rinsewater in mixtures of
other pesticides. It is not legal and may cause illegal food or feed crop
residues. Never dispose of pesticide contaminated rinsewater in a manner that
will contaminate public or private water sources or sewage treatment facilities.
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Farmers who need to dispose of a surplus spray mixture or contaminated
rinsewater should do so on their own property, only if it is not prohibited on
the label and only in labeled sites. If the manufacturer won't take back your
concentrates and/or you cannot use up your pesticides, you must find other safe
and legal ways to dispose of your surplus. Other certified applicators might be
able to use your pesticide leftovers to control a similar pest problem. The
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act supports regional "Pesticide Waste Clean
Up Days" to properly discard of hazardous material and waste. Contact your state
pesticide regulatory agency and urge them to have "Pesticide Clean Up Days" if
they are not available in your state. If containers begin to leak or are
damaged, they should be packed in another container that is appropriately
labeled. Store your extra pesticides in a locked storage area while you are
waiting to dispose of them. They must be kept in their original containers with
the label intact.
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Empty Pesticide Containers
Empty pesticide containers are not really "empty." They still contain small
amounts of pesticide even after they have been rinsed out properly. Never toss
them into streams, ponds, fields, or vacant buildings. Be able to account for
every pesticide container you used for the job. Never give them to children to
play with or allow uninformed persons to have them for any use. Dispose of all
your pesticide containers carefully and properly. You should separate the empty
containers for disposal into three main types; those that will burn, those that
will not burn, and those that contain mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, or
inorganic pesticides. All empty containers for liquids should be rinsed three
times before disposal.
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When using containers holding liquid formulations:
- Triple-rinse the container immediately after emptying.
- Fill the container one-quarter full with the proper diluent (water,
- oil or liquid fertilizer).
- Replace the closure or plug the opening of the container.
- Rotate the container, making sure to rinse all surfaces.
- Turn the container upside down.
- Add the rinsate to the spray tank.
- Allow 30 seconds for rinsate to drain.
- Repeat this procedure two more times.
- Puncture the top and bottom of the container to prevent reuse. Crush flat.
- Deposit the container in a licensed sanitary landfill.
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When using containers holding dry formulations:
- Completely empty the contents of the container into the tank.
- Open both ends of the container to help remove any remaining pesticide and to
prevent reuse of the container.
- Deposit the container in a licensed sanitary landfill.
When using containers holding aerosol formulations:
- Relieve pressure as much as possible. Do not puncture the container.
- Deposit the container in a licensed sanitary landfill.
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Triple-rinsed containers that will be held for disposal at a later time
should be marked to indicate that triple-rinsing has been done along with the
date. Pesticide containers that will not be recycled through a recycling
facility or the dealer should be rendered unusable by breaking, puncturing, or
crushing. Never reuse pesticide containers. All containers should be kept in a
locked storage area until disposal and kept away from all possible contact with
children and animals.
Burnable Containers are usually cardboard or paper. Only with state
approval and permission on the label can containers be burned. Never burn
containers that hold 2,4-D type weed killers. The smoke from such a fire could
cause serious damage to nearby plants and trees. Large quantities of burnable
containers should be held for proper disposal. Check local, state, and federal
regulations. Federal laws that govern incineration are; the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and
Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), and the Clean Air Act.
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Non-Burnable Containers are usually metal, glass, or plastic. Some of
these may be returned to the manufacturer for reuse. Before you ship back the
containers, reseal them carefully and wash off the outside completely. Metal
drums that cannot be returned can be crushed with a backhoe, front end loader,
truck, or tractor. Store them in a locked storage area for disposal. Glass
containers may be carefully broken and stored. Plastic containers may be cut
apart to take up less room.
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Containers that held organic or inorganic pesticides with mercury, lead,
cadmium, and arsenic have special disposal requirements. Improper disposal could
create serious environmental pollution and long term health hazards. The label
will specify legal disposal methods. Special methods such as encapsulation may
be necessary for their safe disposal. Encapsulation means to seal the pesticide
and "empty" con -tainer in a sturdy, waterproof container so that the contents
cannot possibly get out. Check federal and state regulations for disposal of
these containers. If you need to store these empty containers while waiting to
dispose of them, they can be crushed and stored in a locked storage area.
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If they are emptied and stored in larger drums, keep these containers separate
from drums that hold regular non-burnable pesticide containers. Burial in
designated hazardous waste landfills and incineration in specially designed,
extremely high temperature incinerators are often the only acceptable legal
methods for pesticide waste disposal. You are responsible for the costs of
packing the pesticides for shipment, transportation, disposal fees from the
facility, and the chemical analysis if the exact identity and concentration of
the unwanted substances are unknown. Do not burn empty containers which held
mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic or inorganic pesticides. Cardboard and paper
containers of this type should be crushed and stored for future disposal.
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Methods for the Disposal of Pesticides and Pesticide Containers
Disposal of pesticides and their containers can be a problem. They should be
returned to the manufacturer whenever possible. Otherwise, you must choose the
method which is best for you and still protects others and the environment.
Federal and state laws may require that you use certain methods when disposing
of specific pesticides.
Incineration. Burning pesticides and containers in special, high
temperature incinerators is one safe method of disposal. These incinerators are
specially designed so that the pesticides will be reduced to harmless gases and
solid ashes. This special incineration method is often only carried out in
EPA-approved landfill facilities. It is a safer and more reliable disposal
method than ordinary incineration. To find the pesticide incinerator that is
nearest to your operation, contact your county extension agent, state college or
university, state regulatory officials, or your regional Environmental
Protection Agency office.
Burial. The least preferred option for pesticide waste disposal. It is no
longer listed on any pesticide label as a disposal option. It is only legal if
specifically allowed by state or local laws. Because it is difficult to tell if
a burial site is close to underground water sources, there is always the
possibility of chemicals leaching through soils and polluting subsurface waters
and groundwater. Surface and underground water systems should be carefully
protected. Check to see if there is a special pesticide landfill in your area.
Do not bury pesticides or containers that contained mercury, lead, cadmium,
arsenic, or inorganic pesticides. Although encapsulation of buried containers
prevents chemicals from leaching through the soil, once a hazardous material is
buried, its fate in the environment is never clear. State or federal regulatory
officials should be contacted if pesticide waste is disposed of by burial.
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Take the extra time and effort to dispose of surplus pesticides and empty
containers properly in licensed facilities. It is well worth your effort!
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