Toxicity of Pesticides
Toxicity of Pesticides
A pesticide is any substance used to control pests. Pests may be target
insects, vegetation, fungi, etc. Most control the pests by poisoning them.
Unfortunately, pesticides can be poisonous to humans as well. Some are very
poisonous, or toxic, and may seriously injure or even kill humans. Others are
relatively non-toxic. Pesticides can irritate the skin, eyes, nose, or mouth.
The most important thing to remember is that you should always use caution
whenever you work with any pesticide!
Goals of This Module
- Understand what toxicity is and how it affects humans.
- Learn the three routes of entry (how pesticides enter the body) and the
importance of each.
- Be familiar with how toxicity is measured and what is meant by label warning
Toxicity: What is it?
The toxicity of a substance is its capacity to cause injury to a living system.
A living system can be many things: a human body, or parts of the body (such as
the lungs or the respiratory system); a pond, a forest and those creatures that
live there. Toxicity represents the kind and extent of damage that can be done
by a chemical. In other words, if you know the toxicity of a pesticide, you know
"how poisonous" it is.
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Dose-Time Relationship
The effect of a pesticide, or any substance for that matter, is dependent on a
number of factors. The most important factor is the dose-time relationship. Dose
is the quantity of a substance that a surface, plant, or animal is exposed to.
Time means how often the exposure occurs. Thus, the dose- time relationship is
how much of the substance is involved and how often the exposure to the
substance occurs. This relationship gives rise to two different types of
toxicity that pesticide applicators must know and understand. They are acute and
chronic toxicity.
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Kinds of Toxicity
Acute vs.Chronic Acute toxicity refers to how poisonous a
pesticide is to a human, animal, or plant after a single short-term exposure.
Acute toxicity is used to describe effects which appear promptly, or within 24
hours of exposure. A pesticide with a high acute toxicity is deadly even when a
very small amount is absorbed. Acute toxicity levels are used as a way to assess
and compare how poisonous pesticides are. The acute toxicity of a pesticide is
used as the basis for the warning statements on the label. Acute toxicity may be
measured as acute oral toxicity, acute dermal toxicity, and acute inhalation
Chronic toxicity is the delayed poisonous effect from exposure to
a substance. Chronic toxicity of pesticides concerns the general public, as well
as those working directly with pesticides because of potential exposure to
pesticides on/in food products, water, and the air. It is measured in
experimental conditions after three months of either continuous or occasional
A material that has high acute toxicity does not necessarily have high chronic
toxicity. Nor does a chemical with low acute toxicity necessarily have low
chronic toxicity. For many pesticides, the toxic effects following single acute
exposures are quite different from those produced by chronic exposure. If, for
example, large amounts of the pesticide cryolite are eaten by rats at one time
little or no harmful effects will be observed. It quickly passes through the
intestinal tract and is eliminated without harmful effects. However, if rats are
fed small amounts of cryolite every day in their feed, they become ill and die.
Cryolite is a very insoluble compound, meaning that it does not readily
dissolve. The small amount of chemical that is absorbed from a one-time exposure
is not sufficient to cause illness, but absorption of the same small amount
every day, day after day, can cause chronic illness and death. The effects of
both acute toxicity and chronic toxicity are dose-related; the greater the dose,
the greater the effect.
While you cannot change the inherent toxicity of pesticides, you can limit the
possibility of poisoning by preventing and/or limiting exposure. In other words,
the risk of harm from pesticide exposure is equal to how poisonous the pesticide
is, multiplied by the amount and route of exposure to the pesticide, or:
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Types of Pesticide Exposures
A pesticide exposure is defined as coming in contact with a pesticide. There are
two types of exposure that may occur, acute and chronic.
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Acute exposure refers to a one-time contact with a pesticide. When
experimental animals are exposed to a pesticide to study its acute toxicity,
acute exposure is defined as contact for 24 hours or less. Acute effects can be
readily detected and more easily studied than chronic effects. Immediate toxic
effects are more likely to be produced by those pesticides that are rapidly
Chronic exposure refers to a repeated contact with a pesticide. The study
of chronic toxicity is accomplished by repeatedly exposing test animals for more
than three months. In addition to producing long-term low-level effects, chronic
exposure to pesticides may result in immediate, "acute" effects after each
exposure. In other words, frequent exposure to a chemical can produce acute and
chronic symptoms. The potential for a chronic effect is related to the level and
frequency of exposure received.
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Routes of Entry
There are three specific ways in which pesticides may enter your body. You may
be poisoned no matter how they enter. Sometimes you can even be poisoned without
knowing it, especially if the pesticide enters through the skin or lungs.
Dermal Route
Wet, dry, or gaseous forms of pesticides can be absorbed through the skin. This
may occur if pesticides are allowed to get on the skin while mixing or applying,
or if pesticide-contaminated clothing is not removed promptly and properly
cleaned before being worn again. Oil or paste forms allow greater absorption
through the skin than water-based pesticides. Some pesticides do not pass
through the skin very readily. Others are quickly absorbed through the skin and
can be as dangerous as if they were swallowed. Skin varies in its capacity to
act as a barrier to pesticide absorption. The eyes, ear drums, scalp and groin
area absorb pesticides more quickly than other areas on the body. Damaged or
open skin can be penetrated by a pesticide much more readily than healthy,
intact skin. Once they are absorbed through skin, pesticides enter the blood
stream and are carried throughout the body.
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Inhalation Route
Whether as dusts, spray mist, or fumes, pesticides can be drawn into your lungs
as you breathe. Inhalation of pesticides can occur during the mixing of wettable
powders, dusts, or granules. Poisoning can also occur while fumigating or
spraying without a self contained breathing apparatus or a proper respirator in
enclosed or poorly ventilated areas such as greenhouses, apartments, or grain
bins. The largest particles that are inhaled tend to stay on the surface of the
throat and nasal passages, and do not enter the lungs. Smaller particles can be
inhaled directly into the lungs. The number of particles needed to poison by
inhalation depends upon the concentration of the chemical in the particles. Even
inhalation of dilute pesticides can result in poisoning. Once they are absorbed
through the surfaces of the lungs, chemicals enter the blood stream and are
distributed to the rest of the body.
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Oral Route
Pesticides can enter the body through the mouth (also called ingestion). This
can occur when hands are not properly washed before eating or smoking. They may
be swallowed by mistake, if they are improperly stored in food containers.
Ingested materials can be absorbed anywhere along the gastrointestinal tract;
the major absorption site is the small intestine. Once absorbed, they eventually
enter the blood stream by one of several means, and circulate throughout the
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Which Route Is More Important?
You can be poisoned no matter which way pesticides enter your body. While there
are few chemicals that are equally poisonous by all routes of entry, some
pesticides can enter all three ways and poison you. (For example, parathion is
toxic regardless of how it is absorbed).
The dermal and inhalation routes of pesticide entry are likely to be the most
important routes of pesticide applicator exposure. It is unlikely that you would
purposely eat or drink the chemicals you are using, but you may breathe them in,
splash them on your skin, or expose yourself to pesticide "fallout."
Healthy skin can slow the absorption of a pesticide when dermal contact occurs.
Liquid pesticides containing solvents and oil based pesticides are absorbed
quickly compared to dry pesticides. The applicator must know that damaged skin
(chapped, cut, or abraded) has lost its ability to slow the entry of a pesticide
into the body.
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The Qualities of the Exposed Individual
The Qualities of the Exposed IndividualThe qualities of the exposed individual
influence the toxicity of a pesticide since different individual characteristics
will affect how the person responds to a pesticide. Some examples of these
individual qualities include:
health conditions: heredity, pregnancy, and disease may cause individuals to
respond differently.
age: youngest and oldest individuals tend to be most sensitive.
gender/sex: male and female individuals may respond very differently.
environment: exposure to other toxic substances in food, air, water, etc.
health behaviors: customs or habits such as smoking, dietary practices, drug
use, personal hygiene, etc.
body size: the effect of a dose is closely related to body weight. The heavier
the individual, the more poison needed to cause an effect.
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Effects of Toxicity
In addition to being acute or chronic, toxic effects can be any of the
*Local or systemic (Both effects can occur with some pesticides.)
Local effects refer to those that take place at the site of contact with a
material. Examples of this include: skin inflammation on the hand, in response
to hand contact with a pesticide; or irritation of the mucous membrane lining
the lungs, due to inhalation of toxic fumes.
Systemic effects are quite different because they occur away from the original
point of contact. Systemic effects may occur when pesticides are distributed
throughout the body, or "system". An example of a systemic effect is the
blocking of an essential chemical of the nervous system, called "cholinesterase"
(pronounced ko-li-nes-ter-ace), upon exposure to some types of pesticides.
*Immediate or delayed (Both effects can occur with some materials.)
Immediate toxic effects are those which are experienced upon or shortly after
exposure. (For example, a sneezing attack in response to inhaling pesticides
during mixing).
Delayed effects occur after some time has passed. While they may not be obvious,
such as long term reproductive effects, delayed effects can result from a single
exposure. Tumors may not be observed in chronically exposed people for 20 to 30
years after the original exposure to a cancer-causing or "carcinogenic"
*Reversible or irreversible
Reversible effects are not permanent and can be changed or remedied. Skin rash,
nausea, eye irritation, dizziness, etc. are all considered reversible toxic
effects. Injury to the liver is usually reversible since this organ has an
ability to regenerate itself.
Irreversible effects are permanent and cannot be changed once they have
occurred. Injury to the nervous system is usually irreversible since its cells
cannot divide and be replaced. Irreversible effects include birth defects,
mutations, and cancer.
*Additive, antagonistic, or synergistic
An additive effect is one in which the combined effect of two pesticides
is equal to the sum of the effects of each (ie. 2 + 2 = 4.)
An antagonistic effect occurs when the toxic effect of the combination of
pesticides is less than what would be predicted from the individual toxicities.
Antagonism is like adding 2 + 2 and getting 3 as the result.
A synergistic effect occurs when the combined toxic effect of two
pesticides is much greater, or worse, than the sum of the effects of each by
itself. Synergism is similar to adding 2 + 2 and getting 5 as the result.
Exposure to pesticides may also result in the following:
- Reproductive effects: effects on the reproductive system or on the
ability to produce healthy offspring.
- Teratogenic effects: effects on unborn offspring, such as birth defects.
- Carcinogenic effects: produces cancer in living animal tissues.
- Oncogenic effects: tumor-forming effects (not necessarily cancerous.)
- Mutagenic effects: permanent effects on genetic material that can be
- Neurotoxicity: poisoning of the nervous system, including the brain.
- Immunosuppression: blocking of natural responses of the immune system
responsible for protecting the body.
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Measuring Toxicity
It is quite difficult to figure out the exact toxicity of a pesticide for
humans. Animal testing is the primary way we measure toxicity. Many types of
animals are used to test pesticide toxicity, including rats, rabbits, mice,
guinea pigs and dogs. However, due to some differences between the way our
bodies and the bodies of animals work, results of animal tests cannot always be
applied or "extrapolated" to humans. In other words, a pesticide may be more or
less toxic to humans than to the animals in which it was tested. Similarly,
something that appears to be extremely toxic to test animals may not necessarily
be poisonous in humans. Toxicity studies are just guidelines for
estimating and comparing toxic effects of pesticides. The word "detected" is
important when talking about measuring toxic effects. We can only talk about
what we can see or observe. The term "No Observable Effect Level", or NOEL,
means that at the stated dose, no effects were observed in test animals.
Acute Toxicity
To figure out how acutely toxic a pesticide is, scientists give laboratory
animals short-term exposure to doses of the pesticide being tested. Experimental
doses are given orally, as well as put on the eyes, skin, and in the air that
the test animals breathe. The animals are then observed carefully for changes.
Lethal Dose Fifty (LD50)
"Lethal Dose Fifty" (LD50) is one way the toxicity of chemicals are measured.
LD50 is the amount of a pesticide that has killed half of the animals in a
laboratory test. The LD50 is found for both dermal and oral routes of exposure.
For example, an acute oral LD50 indicates the amount of pesticide swallowed that
has killed half of the animals tested.
The smaller the LD50 value, the less chemical required to kill half of the test
animals, and the more poisonous the pesticide. So, a pesticide with a dermal
LD50 of 25 (rabbit) is more poisonous than a pesticide with a dermal LD50 of
2000 (rabbit).
LD50's do not tell us how a chemical acts, nor do they tell us how sensitive
different organs within an animal or human might be. They simply tell us how
much of the chemical it takes to kill half of the test animals. LD50's for
different chemicals can only be compared if the same test animal was used, and
even then it cannot be taken as an indication of the ful toxic potential of
either chemical.
Milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg)
Pesticide LD50 values are measured in units of weight called "milligrams" per
"kilogram" (mg/kg). A single paper clip weighs about one gram. Cutting the clip
into 1000 equal parts will make pieces that weigh one milligram each. There are
approximately 28,000 milligrams in an ounce. A kilogram is about equal to 2.2
pounds. The LD50 value refers to the number of milligrams of pesticide that was
needed to kill half of the test animals for each kilogram of the animal's body
weight. For example, an acute oral LD50 of 5 mg/kg for pesticide A (rats)
indicates that it is toxic when there are 5 mg of this chemical given orally for
every kilogram (or 2.2 pounds) of the animal's weight.
Parts per million (ppm)
Another way of expressing how much pesticide is involved in toxic doses is
referred to as "parts per million", abbreviated "ppm". One part per million
means that for every million parts of a solution or mixture, there is one part
of the substance being measured. The measures mg/kg and ppm are used
interchangably since a milligram is one millionth of a kilogram. Other measures
that you might come across when looking at the toxicity of a pesticide include:
"parts per billion" (ppb) and "parts per trillion" (ppt). The following list may
help you remember how small these concentrations are:
- *parts per million (ppm) = 1 milligram (mg)/kilogram (kg)
- 1 inch in 16 miles
- 1 minute in 2 years
- *parts per billion (ppb) = 1 inch in 16,000 miles
- 1 second in 32 years
- *parts per trillion (ppt ) = 1 inch in 16,000,000 miles
- 1 second in 32,000 years
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Lethal Concentration Fifty (LC50)
To figure out the "acute inhalation toxicity" of a pesticide, scientists add a
known amount of the pesticide to air. The amount that causes half of the animals
to die is the "Lethal Concentration Fifty" (LC50) of the pesticide. The lower
the LC50 value, the more poisonous the pesticide. Lethal Concentration Fifty is
measured in milligrams per liter (mg/l) or ppm and sometimes in milligrams per
cubic meter (mg/m3).
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Chronic Toxicity Measures
There is no standard measure like LD50 for chronic toxicity studies. Often the
length of the experiment is in days, months, or years and the amount of each
dose is stated. For example, a study of chronic oral toxicity might look like
this: " 8 milligrams of pesticide were fed to rats daily for two years. No
symptoms of poisoning appeared."
Two classes of pesticides, the organophosphates and carbamates, can slowly
poison by attacking an essential body chemical called "cholinesterase". The
chronic exposure to organophosphate pesticides can be measured by monitoring
changes in blood cholinesterase levels. In humans, decreased blood
cholinesterase levels are a sure sign that exposure to these types of pesticides
should be avoided until the level is measured as being normal again. (For more
on this subject, see Chapter VIII on cholinesterase tests).
Acute Toxicity Label Warning Statements
Based on the LD50 and the results of other acute tests, each pesticide is
classified into a "toxicity category" and given an associated "signal word". A
signal word must appear on every product label so that pesticide users are
alerted to the pesticide's acute toxicity. Toxicity categories are based on the
acute oral, dermal, and inhalation toxicities, as well as eye and skin
irritation effects of each pesticide. A pesticide is categorized by its
highest level of toxicity. For example, if the acute oral toxicity and acute
dermal toxicity of a pesticide are in the slightly toxic category, but its acute
inhalation toxicity is in the highly toxic category, the pesticide label will
have the signal words for a highly toxic pesticide.
The following table indicates the four categories of pesticide toxicity:
Categories of Acute Toxicity
Category |
Signal Word Required on Label |
Oral Ld50 Mg/kg |
Dermal LD50 mg/kg |
Inhalation LC50 mg/l |
Approximate Oral dose that can Kill an Average Person |
I Highly toxic |
DANGER-*[Poison! Skull Crossbones] |
From 0 to 50 |
From 0 to 200 |
From 0 to 0.2 |
A few drops to 1 teaspoon full [or a few drops on the skin] |
II Moderately Toxic |
From 50 to 500 |
From 200 to 2000 |
From 0.2 to 2 |
Over 1 teaspoonful to 1 ounce |
III Slightly Toxic |
From 500 to 5000 |
From 2000 to 20,000 |
From 2.0 to 20 |
Over 1 ounce to 1 pint or 1 pound |
IV Relatively Non-toxic |
More than 5000 |
More than 20,000 |
Greater than 20 |
Over 1 pint or 1 pound |
* Not used for skin and eye irritation effects.
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Hazard is the risk of danger. It is the chance that harm will come from the use
of a pesticide to the applicator, bystanders, livestock, wildlife, crops,
consumers, water, etc. Hazard is often confused with toxicity, but they are not
necessarily the same. The hazard of a toxic chemical is always based on two
things; its ability to harm (i.e. its toxicity, corrosiveness) and the ease with
which a person can come in contact with the chemical. For example, a highly
toxic pesticide is usually considered "hazardous" because of the risk that it
poses to the public or the environment. However, with proper handling, a highly
toxic pesticide can actually pose a low risk or low hazard. Many factors besides
a pesticide's actual toxicity can make it hazardous. These include: the skill of
the applicator; the target pest involved; the type of pesticide; the formulation
chosen; the other chemicals involved in the formulation; and the concentration
and dosage used.
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Concentration and Dosage. Usually, the more concentrated a formulation is
the more hazard it poses. Dilute the concentrated pesticide and you reduce the
hazard. For example, one ounce of pesticide A contains a lethal oral dose. If
the same one ounce of pesticide A is diluted in ten gallons of water, each ounce
of the dilute mixture will contain 0.0008 ounces of pesticide A. The handling of
the dilute mixture is thus reduced when compared to the concentrate. Use good
judgment when figuring out the concentration and dosage of a pesticide; try to
use the lowest concentration and/or dosage that is necessary to control the
target species.
Applicator. A skilled, experienced applicator using a highly toxic
material will be less of a hazard to himself and others than perhaps a homeowner
who applies pesticides on his/her property. A certified applicator should have
the skill and knowledge to handle all pesticides safely.
Target. The site of application is called the target. It can consist of
plants, soil, insects, animals, structures and many other things. The intended
use of a pesticide on a target is to control specific target pests without
harming fragile "nontarget species." The ideal pesticide controls the target
pest and poses little or no hazard to nontarget species, as well as the target
area itself.
Formulation. The hazard of a pesticide is also influenced by the way a
pesticide is put together, or made into a formulation for use. Depending on the
original toxicity of the pesticide, formulations that are easily absorbed or
inhaled may pose more of a hazard than those that are less easily absorbed or
inhaled. Keeping in mind all the factors that influence the toxicity of the
pesticide, formulations generally pose the following toxicity hazard in
decreasing order: emulsifiable concentrate > oil solution > water emulsion >
water solution > wettable powder/flowable (in suspension) > dust > granular.
Choose the safest formulation available to do the job. (See Chapter XV for a
more detailed explanation on formulations).
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All pesticides can be hazardous. Use caution whenever you handle them!
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