The Delaney Paradox And Negligible Risk 8/91
The Delaney Paradox And Negligible Risk 8/91
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates pesticides under two laws,
the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the Federal
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA). FIFRA requires that pesticides be licensed
or "registered" with EPA prior to sale and use in the United States. The FFDCA
gives EPA the authority to set legally enforceable limits, or "tolerances" for
pesticide residues in foods. The FFDCA specifies that a food containing a
pesticide for which no tolerance has been established, or with a residue
exceeding an established tolerance, is considered adulterated and subject to
seizure. EPA sets tolerances for pesticide residues remaining in raw foods under
section 408 of the FFDCA. Under section 409 of the FFDCA, EPA sets food additive
tolerances for pesticide residues which concentrate in processed foods above raw
food tolerances, or are the result of pesticide application during or after food
EPA's task of regulating pesticides and their residues in foods has been
complicated by the different standards in FIFRA and FFDCA, and the different
standards within the FFDCA itself. In particular, section 409 of the FFDCA
contains the "Delaney Clause" which, when read literally, absolutely prohibits
the establishment of food additive tolerances where evidence indicates that the
pesticide may cause cancer in humans or animals, no matter how small or minimal
the risk. On the other hand, FIFRA requires EPA to weigh the risks and benefits
of a pesticide when deciding whether to allow the continued use of that
pesticide. Similarly, section 408 of the FFDCA requires EPA to consider the
necessity for the production of an adequate, wholesome and economical food
supply in setting tolerances. Thus, in contrast to the Delaney Clause, FIFRA and
section 408 of the FFDCA require consideration of the level of risk and the
benefits of pesticide use.
This inconsistency in standards has been called the "Delaney Paradox" by the
National Academy of Sciences (NAS), an expert non-governmental body. In 1985,
EPA commissioned the NAS to examine the scientific and regulatory implications
of the varying food safety standards contained in FIFRA and the Delaney Clause
of the FFDCA. One result of the inconsistency is that the same pesticide
residues which may be legal on a raw food could render a processed food
unacceptable under the law. Under these circumstances, for example, EPA could
set a section 408 tolerance for apples for a pesticide that posed a negligible
risk of cancer. But if the apples were processed into apple juice and pesticide
residues became concentrated to higher levels than in the raw commodity,
(Various processes such as milling, drying, or juicing in some cases cause the
relative amount of pesticide to increase in the processed food as compared to
the raw food. For example, in drying, the ratio of the amount of pesticide to
the rest of the food could increase as water is removed. Concentration of
residues does not necessarily make a food unsafe for consumption because dietary
exposure to a pesticide depends on the concentration of pesticide remaining on
food and the quantity of food consumed.) then under a strict interpretation of
the Delaney Clause, EPA could not set a section 409 tolerance for processed
apples. As a matter of practice, EPA would then decline to set a section 408
tolerance for the pesticide in raw apples because it would be difficult to
ensure that treated apples would not be processed into apple juice.
Consequently, EPA would not allow use of the pesticide on apples at all, even if
EPA believed that it was as safe as other apple pesticides already on the
In 1987, the NAS issued its study of the Delaney Clause, and reached four
principal conclusions:
- All pesticides should be regulated on the basis of a consistent standard, so
that there is no "double standard" for raw vs. processed foods or for old vs.
new pesticides. The NAS found no public health reasons for treating residues on
raw or processed foods differently.
- A uniform "negligible risk" rather than a "zero risk" standard for carcinogens
in food, consistently applied, would best enable EPA to improve the overall
safety of the food supply, and would result in only modest reductions in the
benefits of pesticide use to farmers.
- EPA should set its regulatory priorities by focusing first on the most worrisome
pesticides used on the most-consumed crops.
- The Agency should adopt a comprehensive analytical framework for forecasting the
broad-scale impact of its pesticide-specific regulatory actions on the overall
safety of the food supply.
Based on these conclusions, EPA has attempted to implement a consistent
negligible risk standard under each of the provisions of the laws governing
pesticides. In the case of FIFRA and FFDCA section 408 which require
risk/benefit balancing, EPA has treated risk in the range of 1 in 1 million
(meaning that, at most, an individual would have a one in one million chance of
developing cancer if exposed over a lifetime) as a reference point and required
that substantial benefits be demonstrated for any risk which exceeds that level.
As to the Delaney Clause, EPA has adopted an interpretation which does not
prohibit the establishment of food additive regulations posing a de minimis risk
(a risk so minimal that it is not worth considering). These two actions, while
not completely equivalent, allow for each of the standards under the various
provisions to be substantially more compatible.
EPA's interpretation of the food additive laws was challenged in a petition
filed on May 25, 1989 by the State of California, the Natural Resources Defense
Council (NRDC), Public Citizen, the AFL-CIO, and several individuals. The
petition requested that EPA revoke 14 food additive regulations for 7
pesticides. The petitioners argued that the food additive regulations should be
revoked because the pesticides to which the regulations applied were probable or
possible animal carcinogens and thus the regulations violated the Delaney
Clause. On February 19,1991, EPA issued a Final Order upholding its
interpretation that the law supports a de minimis exception to the Delaney
Clause for pesticide uses which create at most a de minimis risk. In applying
this de minimis standard, EPA declined to revoke several food additive
tolerances but found that two food additive tolerances exceeded a de minimis
level and would have to be revoked. The petitioners have sought review of this
decision in federal court.
EPA has been working with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to develop legislation, as part of the
President's Food Safety Plan, which would amend FIFRA and FFDCA to establish a
consistent "negligible" risk standard for evaluating the safety of pesticide
residues in raw and processed foods. Additional information is available from
EPA on the provisions of the President's Food Safety Plan.
U.S. EPA, For Your Information, 8/91