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Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP)
Part of the Pesticide Management Education Program
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Certification/Recertification Packet For New Private Pesticide Applicators

This packet contains three different pieces which will help you complete your private certification or recertification requirements. You should find the packet of value in helping you to make the right decisions for insect, weed and disease pest management problems that you may encounter. The packet components are:

Core Manual - You will need the Core manual to become certified as a private applicator. It contains the basic information an applicator must know and understand to be competent in the use of pesticides. At the time of initial certification, you will take a 50 question closed book exam based on the Core manual.

If you are obtaining private certification in the commodity areas field and forage, fruit, vegetable, nursery/ornamentals and turf, or livestock and poultry, you will take a 50 question closed book exam based on the Core manual. In addition, you will take a 50 question open book exam based on the Private Pesticide Applicator Certification/Recertification Workbook and the The Worker Protection Standard "How to Comply" manual. This manual provides the information necessary to comply with the requirements of the 1992 Federal Worker Protection Standard. In general, employers of agricultural workers or handlers who mix, load, apply, or do other tasks such as weeding, planting, cultivation, harvesting or tasks that bring them into direct contact with pesticides must abide by the Standard.

After 5 years, you will need to become recertified. You may obtain recertification by obtaining credits for attending training sessions or by taking an exam. At this time, if you decide to take a recertification exam instead of credits, you will take a 50 question open book exam again based on the Private Pesticide Applicator Certification/Recertification Workbook and the Worker Protection Standard "How to Comply" manual.

If you are obtaining private certification in the commodity area greenhouse and florist, you will take a 50 question closed book exam based on the Core manual. In addition, you will also take a 50 question open book exam based on the Private Pesticide Applicator Manual for Greenhouse and Florist Industries and the Worker Protection Standard "How to Comply" manual.

After 5 years, you will need to become recertified. You may obtain recertification by obtaining credits for attending training sessions or by taking an exam. At this time, if you decide to take a recertification exam instead of credits, you will take a 50 question open book exam again based on the Private Pesticide Applicator Manual for Greenhouse and Florist Industries and the Worker Protection Standard "How to Comply" manual.

We think you will find all three materials valuable as a reference. The Private Certification/Recertification Workbook contains helpful information to identify and explain life cycles and damage of common pests. It also gives precautionary methods to prevent bee kills and environmental contamination, helps you choose and calibrate your machinery, suggests methods to reduce drift and, in general, answers questions you may have in addressing pest problems. However, you will not find recommendations for specific chemicals since pesticide recommendations change from year to year. Your county Cooperative Extension office can supply you with current pesticide recommendations.

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