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Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP)
Part of the Pesticide Management Education Program
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Protecting Groundwater: A Guide for the Pesticide User

PPT Slide


  • Birds
  • Fish
  • Wildlife
  • Water

    for birds


    Environmental Hazards
    This product is highly toxic to birds, fish and other wildlife. Birds, especially waterfowl (ducks or geese), feeding or drinking on treated areas may be killed. Because of the migratory habits of certain Atlantic Coast waterfowl, do not apply this product to lawns in Nassau County, New York, between November 1 and May 20. Do not exceed maximum permitted label rates. Application rates above those recommended significantly increase potential hazards to birds and waterfowl. Avoid overlapping granules. For lawns, follow all watering instructions in the directions for use, however, stop watering before puddling occurs. Do not apply this product to sites occupied by waterfowl, or within 75 ft. of any body of water that may attract waterfowl, such as ponds or lakes. Do not apply directly to water. Shrimp and crab may be killed at application rates recommended on this label. Do not apply where fish, shrimp, crab and other aquatic life are important resources. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment wash waters.
    Special Precautions to Reduce Risk to Birds
    Birds, especially waterfowl (ducks or geese), feeding or drinking on treated areas may be killed. To reduce risks to birds:
    1. Do not treat areas larger than 15,000 sq. ft.
    2. Because of the migratory habits of certain waterfowl, do not apply in Nassau
    County New York Between November 1 and May 20.
    3. Do not exceed maximum permitted label rates, since rates above those
    recommended significantly increase potential hazards to birds, especially
    4. Avoid overlapping treated areas.
    5. Follow all watering instructions in the directions for use, however, stop watering
    before puddling occurs.
    6. Do not apply this product to sites occupied by waterfowl or to sites within 75 ft. of
    any body of water that may attract waterfowl, such as lakes or ponds.
    7. If it necessary to repeat application, wait a minimum of 3 weeks between
    applications. Make no more than 4 applications per year.

    Choose the Correct Pesticide Formulation

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